Week 9 – Winter 2024
Hi Honors Huskies!
We hope you have successfully braved this week’s torrential rain are getting ready for the final weeks of Winter Quarter! It’s Thursday afternoon which means it’s time for our weekly announcements! Check out the many events happening soon and open positions to apply for, linked below.
- Dempsey Startup Competition
- Congresswoman DelBene Summer 2024 Congressional Internship
- Summer term 2024 at Friday Harbor Labs
- Steven R. Nelson Native Educator Scholarship
- Spring 2024 CHID Calderwood Seminars and Courses
- UW Women’s Center Leadership Academy Program
- The African studies Ottenberg-Winans Fellowship Fund
- Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities (SIAH) 2024
- Cultural Leadership Fellowship Fall 2024
- Partners in the Parks Projects
Honors Events and Opportunities
- UW Honors 2024-2025 Scholarship Applications
- UW Lopez Island Study Away Early Fall 2024
- Spring 2024 Honors Peer Mentoring Program Applications
- Neurodivergent Winter Quarter Chill Time
- Masters of Jurisprudence (MJ) Program Information Session
- Earthlab Visual Arts Contest
Dempsey Startup Competition
The Dempsey Startup Competition, is the University of Washington’s annual business plan competition for students across the region. Student-led startups can apply now for a chance to win up to $25K in prize money and gain exposure to 300+ judges from Seattle’s startup community. Any type of business from any sector may apply to be part of this competition.
We have several upcoming info sessions for students to learn more:
- Tuesday, March 5 11:00 – 12:00PM In Person Session Sign up here You will have the opportunity to look at successful past applications and meet prize winning teams at Team Tuesday
- Tuesday, March 12 12:30 – 1:30PM Virtual Session Sign up here
Congresswoman DelBene Summer 2024 Congressional Internship
Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, representing the 1st Congressional District of Washington state, seeks interns for her Washington, D.C. and District (Kirkland) offices. Interns will work in a fast-paced congressional office, gaining valuable experience and knowledge of the United States Congress.
Intern responsibilities include greeting constituents and handling constituent phone calls, assisting staff with administrative tasks, conducting research, and assisting with constituent correspondence. Washington, D.C. interns will have the opportunity to lead tours of the U.S. Capitol as well as attend hearings and briefings for the legislative staff. To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, and short writing sample (1 to 2 pages) to Internship.DelBene@mail.house.gov. In the subject line, please specify whether you are applying for a D.C. or District internship. In the body of the email, list any start and end date constraints, whether you are interested in a part-time or full-time position, and the number of hours per week you can work. The deadline for Summer 2024 internship applications is Friday, March 22, 2024, at 11:59PM.
Visit https://delbene.house.gov/constituent-services/internships.htm for more information.
UW Honors 2024-2025 Scholarship Applications
The application portal for the 2024-2025 Honors Program scholarships is now open.
Each year the Honors Program provides scholarship opportunities for students currently enrolled in the Interdisciplinary, Departmental, and College Honors who will be enrolled in the next academic year. For the 2024-2025 year there are eight scholarships available and students may apply for more than one scholarship.
Learn more about these scholarships here, including:
Award amounts
Eligibility guidelines
Descriptions of each scholarship
Information about the generous donors who make this possible
Award timeline:
Deadline: April 1, 2024 at 9:00am
Notifications: May 15-30, 2024
Award term: Autumn 2024 – Spring 2025
Summer term 2024 at Friday Harbor Labs
Come spend five weeks on beautiful San Juan Island exploring the tide pools, learning in a hands-on lab environment, and “diving” into lectures about the diverse life found in our ocean. Friday Harbor Labs offers a unique classroom setting for marine science course work and allows students to learn research techniques and field skills. We host research focused courses where students can actively participate in projects to explore the subjects they are passionate about and grow as early career scientists.
We welcome students from everywhere; price of the term is the same no matter where you are coming from AND we offer scholarships!
This summer we are offering advanced courses open to undergraduate and graduate students. Check out the University of Washington credited courses we are offering this summer.
APPLY NOW through our Summer course applications.
Neurodivergent Winter Quarter Chill Time
Huskies for Neurodiversity Social that will occur on Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 from 6 to 8 PM in HUB307. There will be board games, refreshments, and crafts!

Steven R. Nelson Native Educator Scholarship
This scholarship strives to increase Native representation in the field of education by providing financial support, mentoring, and internships for Native students in the Northwest who are pursuing an advanced degree in education, education policy, leadership, technical assistance, research, or a closely related field. We view this scholarship as an opportunity to create long-term partnerships that will improve our ability to meet the needs of Native communities.
Steve Nelson, dedicated his career to working with Tribes, communities, and schools to improve American Indian students’ success in academics and in life. This scholarship honors his work by providing selected students with as many as two years of annually renewable scholarships. Awardees will receive a maximum of $3,000 each year, and we will award as many as five scholarships per year.
Application Procedures:
Applications for the Steven R. Nelson Native Educator Scholarship can be submitted until March 31. No applications will be considered after the deadline.
Recipients will be notified of conditional awards no later than June 30 for study beginning the following fall term. Final awards will be made directly to the institution of higher education once an awardee has provided proof of acceptance and/or registration in an institution that meets the scholarship program requirements.
Spring 2024 CHID Calderwood Seminars and Courses
- CHID 480E: BORDER STORIES: CALDERWOOD SEMINAR IN PUBLIC WRITING – (SSc, W) Professor Tony Lucero. Despite often contrasting wildly with the reality of borders and migrants, stories about borders are powerful forces that profoundly affect the fates of individuals, families, and communities. In this seminar, students will learn how to write and edit public-facing essays that translate ideas from films, long-form journalism, podcasts, and social science. What changes when we think of borders as different kinds of stories, stories of war, sci-fi futurism, horror, and love?
- CHID 480: THE UNCONSCIOUS, ONLINE, DREAMING WITHOUT ALGORITHMS:CALDERWOOD SEMINAR IN PUBLIC WRITING (A&H, SSc, W), Professor Christopher Santo Domingo Chan. We’ll ask how psychoanalytic logics of the unconscious mind cryptically haunt our devices, platforms, and network tech, and how these animate our nightmares and dystopian visions of the future. As Calderwood Seminar, we will workshop different forms of public-facing writing.
- CHID 222: BIOFUTURES (A&H, SSc, NSc). Professor Phillip Thurtle. This class explores key legal, ethical, cultural, scientific, and commercial aspects of the rapidly changing world of biotechnology and bioinformatics. It specifically asks how new discoveries in biology encourage us to rethink issues of ownership, communication, geography, identity, and artistic practice. Come find out about the often exhilarating and frequently frightening scenarios for the future of your body.
- CHID 270C: MOTION AND MOVEMENT (A&H, SSc) Professor Gust Burns. We will investigate the material connections between physical motion moving images, and political movements, and put theories of motion, from the ancient Greeks to contemporary quantum theory, in conversation with radical Black and leftist social and political critiques, and the recent film and video works. From this, we will develop a heuristic with which to elaborate our own analysis of the occupy movement and the George Floyd uprising.
- CHID 480C: DECOLONIZING SOVIET CINEMA – FILMS OF RESISTANCE AND DESIRE (A&H, SSc) Professor Mary Childs. In this course we will study films from countries that have emerged in post-Soviet space, looking at both Soviet-era and contemporary films in which directors explore their own and their country’s sense of cultural identity vis-à-vis the dominant Soviet, often Russian culture.

Masters of Jurisprudence (MJ) Program Information Session
The UW Law Graduate Program’s Masters of Jurisprudence (MJ) program is having an information session next week. The information session is on Thursday, March 7th at 6 PM (PST) via Zoom. Here is the link to RSVP! The MJ program is a great fit for those who are heading into or are in careers that have a law-related dimension. The MJ program helps students build a practical and marketable knowledge base of law. MJ students have a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences that add to the quality of coursework and discussion.

UW Women’s Center Leadership Academy Program
Leadership Academy is a weekly series of workshops where students can connect with academic, corporate, and community leaders. The program will be provided in a hybrid mode and occur on Friday afternoons (around 3:30 – 6pm) at Cunningham Hall (at the Women’s Center). Please check out our Leadership Academy webpage to learn more about the fun and enriching line-up of topics and speakers. The application must be completed by March 5th EOD to be considered for the program. Apply HERE. Part of admission requires an admission fee of $100, but if any students face financial difficulties, the fee can be waived or significantly discounted through our Scholarship form.
The African studies Ottenberg-Winans Fellowship Fund
Call for Applications: The African Studies Ottenberg-Winans Fellowship Fund
Application deadline: April 14, 2024 11:59pm
The Ottenberg-Winans Fellowship Fund was established to honor the contributions of Professors Simon Ottenberg and Edgar V. Winans to the African Studies Program at the University of Washington and to the field of African Studies. During their distinguished careers, Professors Ottenberg and Winans taught and mentored numerous students and advanced scholarship on Africa. Recipients of this fellowship commemorate their legacy.
Eligible students may be enrolled in any undergraduate, graduate or professional school at the University of Washington. For UW students traveling to Africa, the fellowship can be used to support travel and related expenses, living expenses, and research materials. For African students visiting or studying at UW, funds can be used to support same expenses as well as costs related to attending the UW. Fellowships are expected to be awarded for amounts between $250 and $750.
Instructions for submitting application materials:
A) Submit the following materials to africa1@uw.edu:
1. Most current resume or CV
2. An ‘unofficial’ UW transcript
3. A statement of purpose of not more than two single-spaced pages in which you decribe a) the nature and purpose of the research project you are proposing; b) the relevance of the project for the field of African studies; c) the institutional support you have for the project; d) your qualifications for the project, including the project’s significance to your academic career goals and past experience that prepares you for this project e) timeline for travel and completion of project
B) One letter of reference from an academic advisor who will support you in supervising the project, emailed directly to africa1@uw.edu
C) The subject of your email should include: your last name – O-W 2023 (for example: Smith – O-W 2023)
Awarded students will be asked to submit a photo and a short description of the project to be featured on our African Studies website.
Questions about the fellowship or the application process should be directed to africa1@uw.edu.
Earthlab Visual Arts Contest
EarthLab is excited to announce our first-ever UW Undergraduate Art Competition! This is your opportunity to participate in one of the original forms of human expression through art by creating an original piece of art that answers the question: What does environmental and/or climate justice mean to you and your community? Undoubtedly, each of our unique cultures, identities and historical experiences ensure there is no singular answer to this question.
We believe in the authority and co-existence of both research and diverse knowledge and storytelling systems which exist – including shared and lived experiences, oral histories, art, culture, in any setting within and outside academia. Diverse voices must be heard to truly understand just what environmental and climate justice means to not only us as individuals, but the very communities we belong to and steward.
Whether you express your perspective through a painting, digital art, sketch, or drawing, we invite you to submit your art and start a dialogue connected to your interpretation of one or both of the following definitions:
ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE: All people and communities have the right to equal environmental protection under the law, and the right to live, work and play in communities that are safe, healthy and free of life-threatening conditions. Source: Columbia University. Definition attributed to Robert Bullard.
CLIMATE JUSTICE: To ensure communities, individuals and governments have substantive legal and procedural rights relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment and the means to take or cause measures to be taken within their national legislative and judicial systems, where necessary, at regional and international levels, to mitigate sources of climate change and provide for adaptation to its effects in a manner that respects human rights. Source: International Bar Association
The winning art piece will be featured in tandem with an upcoming data visualization (known as the EarthLab Network Snapshot Project) in 2024. Together, they will support efforts to share EarthLab’s impact in engaging diverse communities in environmental and climate change research and training.
Art submissions are due by 05/01/24. Winners will be announced in mid-May 2024.
EarthLab will host one virtual information session on March 12, 2024 from 12:30-1:20 p.m. Register today.
UW Lopez Island Study Away Early Fall 2024
As you start planning your summer, consider the following early fall program, alongside the regular Honors offerings. Program Director Professor Kerry W. Reding is happy to work with Interdisciplinary Honors students to develop an ad hoc Honors project and to have it count towards Honors Experiential Learning (leadership or service). Please note Interdisciplinary Honors students will need to apply for the ad hoc Honors project for this course, and for Experiential Learning – it is not automatic.
Lopez Island Reconnecting Food Roots:
Through this program, students will experience the inspiring food network of Lopez Island. The program aims to empower students by connecting them to the people, places, and practices involved in growing food sustainably. We will connect to the rich island life through our eating, living, learning, and working within this island-contained local food system. The program focuses on reconnecting the roots of a food system to a specific locality, creating and navigating community, and supporting multifaceted well-being in a local food system. Students will spend time learning from local farmers and food makers at the center of the food system and learn to trace the webs of relationship and food security as they interconnect. They will be supported to think creatively and critically about what it takes to be in reciprocity with these systems and how to seek out and work with local food systems wherever they are. There will be experiential education and exploration of food and climate systems through air, land, and sea.
The program will include local land-based foods learning, storytelling, local farm tours and workshops, yoga classes, a Labyrinth walk, herbal medicine classes, community building, practical food harvesting, preparation and preservation skill sharing, education on climate health, and tangible actions for students to implement that can support a healthy climate and a resilient food system. There will be a component of service work to give back to the community at the end of the program in the spirit of good reciprocity.

Summer Institute in the Arts and Humanities (SIAH) 2024
- The SIAH allows undergraduates to engage in scholarly research with accomplished scholars and peers while earning full-time academic credit.
- Student participants develop individual, original research ideas related to an interdisciplinary theme and formally present their work at a closing symposium.
- Theme: More-than-Human Worlds: The Poetics and Politics of Life developed and taught by Professors María Elena García, Richard Watts, and Annie Dwyer, along with doctoral student Shelby House.
Deadline: Friday, March 1st, 2024. Apply here! If you have any questions, please email us at undergradresearch@uw.edu.
Cultural Leadership Fellowship Fall 2024
- The Cultural Leadership Fellowships is a community program within the Scholar Fund.
- The CLF program aims to support undocumented leaders in obtaining different perspectives within the U.S. and globally.
- Must be undocumented with DACA and work permit to be able to apply for Advance Parole.
Deadline: Tuesday, March 5th, 2024. Apply here!
Spring 2024 Honors Peer Mentoring Program Applications
Join the Honors Peer Mentoring Program! Mentor and mentee applications for Spring 2024 are open now! The Honors Peer Mentoring Program serves to create a network of support within the Honors community by facilitating mentoring relationships every quarter. Our program aims to highlight the student perspective by encouraging mentees to be proactive during their time in the Honors Program and mentors to demonstrate leadership through sharing their academic and personal experiences. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in open educational and social events throughout the quarter! For more details and to apply, check out our application or feel free to reach out to our committee at uwhonorsmentoring@gmail.com

Partners in the Parks Projects
This program is an outdoor experiential learning program coordinated by the National Collegiate Honors Council. PITP projects at national parks across the country offer unique opportunities for collegiate honors students and faculty to visit areas of the American landscape noted for their beauty, significance and lasting value. For over 15 years, PITP has led over 100 projects in more than 50 different national parks.
- Mammoth Cave National Park
- May 13-19
- Appalachian Trail
- May 20-27
- Crater Lake National Park: Directors Retreat
- July 28-Aug 3
- Glacier National Park
- August 4-10
NCHC’s Partners in the Parks Committee offers two support scholarship options for qualifying students interested in attending a Partners in the Parks event, based on financial need.
Full Project Scholarship:
The Partners in the Parks Committee provides one full project scholarship for each excursion planned in the current year. Students demonstrating financial need and not receiving additional assistance for this event may qualify for a full project scholarship, to include event registration fee and airfare. Pre-registration for the project is not required.
Project Discount:
If a qualifying student is receiving partial project funding assistance from another source (such as a regional honors council or their home institution), they may apply for a discount code to provide an additional reduction to the cost of their registration fee. Pre-registration for the project is not required.
Please feel free to contact aleym@uw.edu with any questions about the program and scholarship opportunities.