Week 6 – Autumn 2024
It’s a spooky edition of Honors Weekly Announcements, and not just because this quarter is going by so fast! Happy Halloween and Week 6, Honors Huskies! Luckily, the events and opportunities are more treat than trick. Check out the links below for more information about what’s happening on campus and beyond during these mid-term times!
**PLEASE NOTE** Drop-In Advising with Wien will be REMOTE on Wednesday, November 6. You can join the call via Zoom.
Honors Events and Opportunities
- Honors Peer Survey for Public Health Class
- Waseda Global Leadership Fellows Program
- Peer Honors Thesis Survey: Perception of Disabilities
Upcoming Courses
- WIN 2025 COURSE: Disability & Society: A focus on Community and the Outdoors
- ENGL 285: Writers on Writing
- Offered WIN25: EDUC401 and EDUC260
- Let’s Talk Drop-In Sessions (Scheduling for Mid-Terms)
- Boren Scholarship Info Session
- Q Center x CHID Interest Survey
- Seattle Black Film Festival Intern
- All Voices: A MultiGenerational Choir
- Truman Scholarship
- Udall Scholarship
- Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for Young Professionals
- Global Social Impact Internship Info Sessions
- Community Advisory Committee for Law Enforcement Oversight
- Free Red Cross CPR/AED, First Aid & Overdose Response Training for UW Students
- Husky Leadership Certificate Student Application
- Pre-Genetic Counseling Club
- UW resources for navigating the 2024 election
- CELE Center UCBI Application
- Space in Place Rehearsal Platform
- Odegaard Writing and Research Center Instructor and TA Resources
- Peer Wellness Coaching
- The Bridges Center Survey Study
- Self-Service Help on Resumes and Interviews
- Academic Support Programs
- NIH sponsored 2025 University of Washington’s Summer Research Experience in Translational Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurological Surgery
- Voter Education Event
- Top 10 Mistakes Job Hunters Make
- College of Education Graduate Programs Info Sessions
- UW School of Dentistry Info Session
- Digital Health Lunch & Learn: Healthcare Delivery
- Landscape Architecture Info Session
- Alumni Career Panel: Consulting Demystified
- National First Generation College Storytelling Celebration
- Pre-Health Career Panels
- Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Program (WE Lead)
- Alumni in the Non-Profit Sector

Landscape Architecture Info Sessions
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 2:00 – 3:00 PM, IN PERSON (Gould 102)
As a discipline, Landscape Architecture involves design thinking and practice in the making and
sustaining of our built environments. It serves to engage the wants, needs, and aspirations of people and communities while systematically seeking to improve the functions and qualities of the natural world. It encompasses a broad spectrum of practices from design of streetscapes to restoration of habitats and ecosystems.
Landscape architects are, in a sense, architects of the landscape– the landscape that encompasses both natural and social realms, urbanity and wilderness, land, water and
air. They design not only for people and communities, but for plants and animals, to support social and natural processes, and to protect human and environmental assets.
Can’t make this event? Check out our pre-recorded Info Session!
For more information, visit us at larch.be.uw.edu, Instagram @uw_landscape_architecture
Space in Place Rehearsal Platform
Space in the Place is our new rehearsal platform for you to come into the building to prepare for your next show, event, or class. This opportunity is for Black self-identified artists and cultural workers to reserve space at LANGSTON to strengthen their craft or gather with community. We will have space offered every Thursday from 4pm to 8pm for all of your creative needs that can be accomplished in the West Room (capacity 40) or room 2R (capacity 12-20 depending on set up). You can sign up for 2 hour blocks of time for absolutely FREE. We look forward to seeing your projects come to life.
Please note: For proper planning purposes, reservations will be locked in 3 days in advance. Cancelations are also required at least 3 days in advance. Please plan accordingly.
Sign Up Here:LANGSTON Contacts: Space in the Place ( Rehearsal Drop-In ) (signupgenius.com)
Folks can also choose to visit our website directly to learn more and see our other programs: langstonseattle.org
Seattle Black Film Festival Intern
Flexible Hours. $19.97/hr at 10 hours a week. Can work remotely up to 50% of the time.
Must be enrolled at a college or university or pursuing a degree.
The SBFF Intern supports LANGSTON’s cornerstone film festival. The successful candidate is highly organized, responsive to a fast-paced environment, can work well independently and collaboratively, and is committed to our mission of supporting and creating programs that strengthen our community through Black arts & culture.
Location: Central District of Seattle
Application Deadline is November 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST.
Folks can learn more and apply here: www.langstonseattle.org/opportunities/
Consulting Demystified: Alumni Career Panel
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Time:4pm – 5pm
Location:Virtual (Zoom)
Interested in consulting but not quite sure what it entails or how to break in? Come for a conversation with UW alum who have walked the path before you. This moderated panel will start with set questions and open up for audience Q&A, so have your questions ready.
This panel event is presented by the Career & Internship Center, in partnership with the UW Alumni Association, as part of our ongoing Alumni Panel Series for students. More information about the Alumni Panel Series can be found here: https://careers.uw.edu/alumni-panels/
Register on Handshake/Zoom with UW email address
Odegaard Writing and Research Center Instructor and TA Resources
On behalf of the Odegaard Writing and Research Center (OWRC), we hope you are having a successful start to Autumn Quarter!
The OWRC is an interdisciplinary center that offers free writing and research support for UW students, faculty, and staff, including one-on-one peer tutoring appointments for students in both in-person and virtual formats, informational classroom visits, and in-class workshops.
Connect students with the OWRC by including resource information in your syllabus or incorporating an in-class visit from OWRC staff. Available virtually or in-person, these class visits bring a member of the OWRC staff into the class to provide a friendly and informational introduction to the Center and its services in 5-10 minutes.
For classes with an emphasis on writing or revision, the OWRC is also pleased to offer Peer Review Workshops. Guided by a member of OWRC staff, these workshops are designed to facilitate positive and productive experiences with peer review by providing an approachable and conversational peer review structure through which to provide and solicit feedback.
Customized, writing-centered workshops are also available upon request.
For more information on these support services and answers to frequently asked questions, check out the OWRC website, including our overview of instructor services, or email us at owrc@uw.edu.
We look forward to working with you and your students!
WIN 2025 COURSE: Disability & Society: A focus on Community and the Outdoors
This winter I’ll be offering the course, Disability & Society: A focus on Community and the Outdoors. This community-engaged course is listed as BECU 391; LSJ 332; CHID; 332; DISST; 332. The pilot sections in the past two years, winter and summer, have been a great success for our students, community partners at The Outdoors For All Foundation, and most importantly people with disabilities who are served by the effort.
You can learn more about the course here:
Q Center x CHID Interest Survey
The Q Center is planning our upcoming CHID Focus Group classes for Winter and Spring 2025. Focus Groups rely on peer learning within a facilitated, discussion-based classroom. They allow students with common interests to create a space to discuss topics which may not be covered elsewhere in the UW undergraduate curricula.
If you are interested in participating in a class of this kind, please fill out this interest survey:
We want to hear from YOU–UW Seattle undergraduate students –about what topics you want to explore through a discussion-based class! We always strive to uplift underrepresented histories and knowledges, especially those within 2SLGBTQIA+ communities and experiences.
Past year’s topics include:
- Queer Heritage: Past and Present
- Exploring Representations of Sexuality and Gender in Media
- Queering Cinema

Husky Leadership Certificate Student Application
Applications are LIVE for the 2024-25 cohort of the Husky Leadership Certificate program!
Are you interested in learning and reflecting on the ways you have and can continue to contribute to your communities? The Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center is seeking Huskies who practice leadership in a variety of ways. Our leaders are change-agents, scholars, entrepreneurs, activists, athletes, researchers and more. This is your opportunity to reflect on and demonstrate your leadership development and experiences!
“This program gave me an opportunity to reflect on my experiences and skills in a way that I hadn’t been challenged to do before. On top of that, I was able to find a clear and confident way to articulate those skills both in person and online.”
– Husky Leadership Certificate alumnus
Through the Husky Leadership Certificate (HLC), students identify and demonstrate their leadership learning, growth, and accomplishments. Students create a leadership e-portfolio and are matched with a mentor (faculty member/staff member/alumni) who helps them reflect upon their experiences. Students must be a senior or 5th year student to be considered. For more information and detailed program requirements, please visit the program website.
Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, November 14. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at uwhlc@uw.edu.
WIN 2025: New Honors Elective Course!
We have recently added a new elective course for Winter 2025: L ARCH 353 (Ssc/A&H)! The Honors Courses page is up to date with these changes, and you can find the course in the time schedule here. Please email jencyli@uw.edu for add codes/questions.
2024 Sacia Digital Health Innovation Workshop
Join us for the 2024 Sacia Digital Health Innovation Workshop!
Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM // Hans Rosling Center 155
Every year, students from across disciplines work together during this “idea-athon” to dream up digital solutions to pressing problems in the healthcare system. Particpants receive valuable feedback on their ideas from stakeholders and changemakers in the field and also have the chance to participate in a Pitch Challenge at the end of the workshop with the chance to win a prize for Best Pitch! All teams also receive information on continuing resources to turn their solutions into entries for the 2025 Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge and other Buerk Center competitions.
The Featured Area of Focus for the 2024 Workshop will be Mental Healthcare. Students are still welcome to attend with an idea focused on another area of health innovation – or without any pre-formed solution idea at all!
Open to all UW undergraduate and graduate students interested in computer science, life sciences, healthcare, or entrepreneurship. No prior programming experience necessary. Please register in advance.
UW School of Dentistry Information Session
The UW School of Dentistry will be hosting an in-person information session for prospective applicants on Monday, October 28th.
UW School of Dentistry Information Session
Date: Monday, October 28th
Time: 4pm – 5:30pm
Description: Join us for an in-person information session at the UW School of Dentistry. Please register and RSVP here: University of Washington School of Dentistry Information Session RSVP (google.com)
Where: UW School of Dentistry. Once you RSVP, we will send you room location and directions.

WIN 2025: ENGL 285: Writers on Writing
This is a great class for those who harbor a secret—or not so secret!—love of reading and writing, or those who are just curious about how poets and novelists create their work. In past years, I’ve had students from nearly every major and ranging from freshman to senior. I’ve enjoyed working with all of them.
The class will meet in person, although some of our visiting writers will join us over Zoom. This large class will be broken into smaller groups to provide a sense of community, to share and receive feedback on their own experiments in writing poetry, fiction, and memoir, and to discuss issues raised by the assigned readings. On their own time, students will watch recordings of a wide variety of writers lecturing or reading from their work, read widely, and participate in online discussion forums. This course description provides lots of detail.

Survey for Public Health Class
As part of a class project, a group of students in SPH 480 Research Methods in Public Health have developed an online survey to address important questions related to academic stress and alcohol use. Please consider filling out this survey if you are over 18 and a full-time undergraduate at UW before it closes on Thursday, November 14. The survey is anonymous and will take about 5 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, please reach out to a member of our team at rinw@uw.edu. Thank you!
Link to Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehuV9dF9U7_SK2KyJcMGJOUW6Cd2dgXlPa6hMF-72gmjpgLQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
National First-Generation College Storytelling Celebration
For the National First-Generation College Celebration on November 8, 2024, the UW College of Arts & Sciences is celebrating our first-generation community through storytelling. The stories will feature College of Arts & Sciences first-generation faculty, staff, advisors, students, alumni, friends and supporters who express interest in participating in the storytelling celebration. If you are a first-generation and would like to participate, will you fill out this form? https://forms.gle/MP2FVAYRwiNg83Xs6
Thank you! We look forward to honoring and celebrating the College’s first-generation community.
More information about the first-generation storytelling celebration:
- Celebrate the College’s first-generation community as a vital part of our campus community.
- Help prospective/ first-year/transfer students see themselves at the UW by sharing relatable and encouraging stories.
- Who: College of Arts & Sciences first-generation community of students, faculty, advisors, staff, alumni, friends, and supporters – we plan to celebrate all who express interest in participating through submitted photos, quotes, short stories, and videos.
Messages/stories being told from the perspective of the featured individuals:
- How does or did the experience as a first-generation college student impact your educational and career journey experience?
- What insights would you share with current and future first-generation students?
- Where stories will be shared: Our College’s website and social media channels; we will also collaborate with College departments and campus partners to share stories in their own communications.
- Projected timeline: Reach out to individuals who expressed interest in participating in September and October; start sharing stories towards the end of October through mid-November.
Peer Wellness Coaching
Prepare for academic stress this quarter by looking into Peer Wellness Coaching.
Peer Wellness Coaching is a free service offered by UW LiveWell and provides 1:1 goal-oriented sessions to students. If students need support for any sort of well-being goal (i.e. relationship conflicts, managing academic stress), coaches can help them build the skills to solve problems effectively and make intentional, positive change on their wellbeing goals.
Visit the website for more information.
The Bridges Center Survey Study
The Bridges Center is conducting a survey about gig workers and people who use those services. There is an effort going on to overturn the gig worker minimum wage ordinance passed in Seattle after companies hiked up their fees in response. The survey aims to understand these impacts on gig workers and those who use their services!
- WORKER SURVEY — https://uwashington.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e5qJytpsd9BlKVo?Source=HBC
- CUSTOMER SURVEY — https://uwashington.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eyPRfSHrDXSdv4q?Source=HBC
Pre-Health Career Panels
Pre-Health Career Panel: Part 2
Wed, Nov 13, 4:00-5:00pm
Bagley 131
Curious about different career paths in healthcare? Join us for a panel featuring a Dentist, Pharmacist, Physical Therapist (PT), and Occupational Therapist (OT). This event offers a chance to hear directly from healthcare professionals about their experiences, training, and career trajectories. Perfect for students exploring their options or those ready to dive deeper into a pre-health pathway. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain practical insights and get your questions answered!

Self-Service Help on Resumes and Interviews
The UW Seattle Student Tech Fee Committee recently approved funds for two self-service career development tools. Please note that these tools are currently only available to Seattle students.
Jobscan –
- Fine-tune your resume by analyzing it against specific job descriptions. Jobscan highlights crucial keywords, skills, and qualifications employers are looking for. By tailoring your resume to match each job posting, you’ll stand out against Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and catch recruiters’ attention.
- https://careers.uw.edu/resources/jobscan
- Images you can use to promote are here.
Yoodli –
- Yoodli helps you simulate mock interviews and get feedback in private (Grammarly for speech). With Yoodli, you’ll get real-time and judgment-free coaching on your body language, conciseness, filler words, and more.
- https://careers.uw.edu/resources/yoodli-ai-interview-coach/
- Images you can use to promote are here.
You can find additional self-service tools here – https://careers.uw.edu/resources/category/free-subscriptions-for-huskies/
Boren Info Session
Attend our Boren Info Session exclusively for UW students and learn more about the awards, the preferred locations/languages, and the federal government work commitment. Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 4-5 PM | RSVP here:Zoom Link
Fellowship deadline:
- January 22, 2025 (grad students)
- January 29, 2025 (undergrads)
All Voices: A MultiGenerational Choir
All Voices: A MultiGenerational Choir is a vocal ensemble open to persons of any level of vocal ability who want to experience music making together. All Voices encourages friends and family of all ages (5-99) to join together in this unique multi-generational musical experience. We will be rehearsing at The Jones Playhouse (UW) on Sundays from 3:30-5pm, November 3 -December 15. Please take a look at all the details at www.emiliakister.com/choir. Registration is OPEN!!! I hope to sing with you soon!
*Note: I am offering $40 off if you register with a friend or family member!
Kamp Kister
I am working on putting together a day camp on Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, Nov. 26, 9-3pm at Billings Middle School (TBD). Please let me know if you are interested, I will only be able to run this camp with a minimum of 10 campers per day. Thanks!
Social Media
If you follow me on Social Media, please consider sharing my posts (especially the one about All Voices). Thanks!
If you don’t follow me on Social Media, you should. (: Facebook & Instagram
As always, please feel free to reach out with feedback, ideas or just a hello. I love to hear from you!
Top 10 Mistakes Job Hunters Make
Hosted by Jackson School Career Services & Jackson School Student Association (JSSA)Thursday, November 7, 2024
5:30-6:30 PM Pacific
Thomson 317
Want to crush your post-grad job hunt? Discover the Top 10 mistakes job hunter make and learn what to do instead. Peg Cheng, Jackson School’s Assistant Director of Student Services, will cover everything from how to write resumes and cover letters that will get you interviews, to how to know if you should apply for a specific job, to how to use logic and intuition to your advantage, and much more. Bring your own drink, snacks will be served. OPEN TO ALL UW STUDENTS AND ALUMNI.
Drop-In Let’s Talk is now open and running!
With midterms now here, the counseling center wanted to remind you that we have drop-in consultations where students are able to have brief and free 20-minute conversations with mental health professionals outside of a formal counseling session. If the times listed do not work for you, you can schedule a 20-minute Let’s Talk session on our student portal. Let’s Talk is a great option if you are unsure if you need counseling, unsure where to start or if you need mental health referrals off campus.

College of Education Graduate Programs Info Sessions
We are excited to announce that the College of Education will be hosting six Virtual Graduate Programs Information Sessions in the coming months. These sessions are designed for individuals interested in our non-teaching graduate programs (M.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D., and Ph.D.).
- General Graduate Programs Information Session
- Thursday, November 14th, 12-1 PM PST
- Register here: General Graduate Programs Information Session | UW College of Education
- General Graduate Programs Information Session
- Monday, November 25th, 5-6 PM PST
- Register here: General Graduate Programs Information Session | UW College of Education
- General Graduate Programs Information Session
- Friday, December 6th, 12-1 PM PST
- Register here:General Graduate Programs Information Session | UW College of Education
- General Graduate Programs Information Session
- Monday, December 16th, 6-7 PM PST
- Register here: General Graduate Programs Information Session | UW College of Education
Students can also meet with me 1:1 to chat about our programs – email cappsh@uw.edu or schedule a prospective student advising appointment!
UW resources for navigating the 2024 election
In a democracy, registering to vote is the first step in making your voice heard. The next is learning about the issues – local, state and national – so you can make informed choices as you complete your ballot. But sorting through the volume of information in the media, posted online and spread through word-of-mouth can be daunting. Determining what is true and what is not adds another layer of complexity.
Fortunately, universities, especially this one, are filled with curious people who like to question, research, verify and communicate information. UW faculty have deep expertise in everything from public policy to the history of elections, to legislative process and constitutional law, to U.S. foreign policy – not to mention news coverage, social media and the spread of misinformation.
If you’re looking for accurate information on democracy and elections, you are at the right place.
Pre-Genetic Counseling Club
The Pre-Genetic Counseling Club (PGCC) is a new club at the University of Washington that aims to bring awareness to the genetic counseling profession. PGCC is currently recruiting both undergraduate and graduate students to join, as a member and/or part of leadership. There will be opportunities for graduate students to give presentations about GC to lay audiences (which is great for those who have not fulfilled that requirement yet), amongst other exciting educational and networking opportunities. Attached is the flyer for the club, but you can contact pgccuw@uw.edu if you have any questions!

Voter Education Event
Curious about how elections work in King County? Need information or resources before casting a ballot this election season? Join us for an interactive voter education workshop on November 4th, from 11-12 pm in MGH 171. Learn about voting history through fun, interactive activities with peers. Leave the workshop knowing relevant voting information you can share with your family and friends. During our time together, we will think about voting advancements throughout US history, voting laws in King County relevant to local voters today. The workshop will be led by interns from King County Elections who are also UW students. Light snacks and beverages provided.
Date: Monday, November 4
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PT
Location: Hybrid
In-Person: Mary Gates Hall 171 Multi-purpose Room
Zoom Link:https://washington.zoom.us/j/99215184955
Waseda Global Leadership Fellows Program
Spend a year in Japan with the
Waseda Global Leadership Fellows Program
Application Window Now Open
Waseda GLFP is an exchange opportunity giving UW undergraduate students a chance to study at Waseda University within an international structure focused on leadership skills. This program runs autumn to early summer each year. Interested in free/low-cost housing? Studying in Japan? Gaining new leadership skills? Now in its 11th year, the GLFP invites UW students to apply for this unique program.
Priority application deadline: November 30, 2024
For the 2025 – 2026 academic year
Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Program (WE Lead)
The Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship’s Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership program (WE Lead) is gearing up for a busy quarter with lots of opportunities for students to get involved. Everything we do at the Buerk Center, including WE Lead, is open for students from across campus – undergrads and grad students from any major or degree program are welcome! WE Lead is a co-curricular program for students that promotes the advancement of women as entrepreneurs, leaders, investors, and agents of innovation. We offer opportunities for students to hear from local women leaders, founders, and investors through panel events, mentoring opportunities, workshops, and more – and this quarter we have a lot coming up to get students involved.
Also coming up this week: WE Lead’s Cohort Application opens this Thursday, 10/10 – we’ll be hosting an in-person info session to answer questions about the cohort, application, and related benefits/expectations. Interested students can read more about the WE Lead Cohort on our website (look near the bottom of the page, under “How Can Students Get Involved”) to learn more, or attend an info session on 10/18, or 10/28 ahead of the 11/20 Application Deadline.
Upcoming WE Lead Events:
- 11/6: WE Lead Workshop: #IamRemarkable 2-4pm (Startup Hall [2nd Floor of Condon Hall], snacks provided)
Imposter syndrome. Stereotypes. Culture. For many reasons, lots of us feel uncomfortable sharing our achievements, but the ability to share your personal and professional accomplishments helps boost self-esteem, increase others’ awareness of your skills and accomplishments, and is an important part of career progression. Students are invited to join this workshop to learn and practice speaking openly about their accomplishments. - 11/19: Save the date for Rising Tide: Women Making Waves in the Startup World – a women’s entrepreneurship day brunch featuring local leaders, engaging discussion, networking, and more.
- 11/20: WE Lead Cohort Application Deadline, 12pm
Academic Support Programs
CLUE Tutoring – Drop-in Tutoring
- Peer drop-in tutoring available in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Math, Physics, and Writing
- Open from Sundays-Thursdays 7 pm- 11 pm in Mary Gates Hall Commons and virtually through the CLUE website
- No appointment needed, students can come to Mary Gates Hall or click the virtual link on our website to put themselves in line to meet with a tutor
- CLUE is also a great place for students to be in community to study and learn amongst one another with others taking similar courses
- Our exam review peer tutors host exam reviews in Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics intro level courses
- These large virtual sessions review material for upcoming exams and provide a place for tutors to go over practice problems where students can ask questions
- More information about exam review dates can be found on the CLUE events calendar
- Scheduled one on one personalized meetings with peer coaches to build strategies for academic success
- Common topics include time management, study strategies, goal setting, motivation, and navigating campus resources
- Students can make an appointment on our website, see availability and bios of our coaches
Offered WIN25: EDUC401 and EDUC260
Already tutoring, or want to gain hands-on experience working with K-12 students and earn credit?
The Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center offers courses for UW students to earn academic credit while tutoring in K-12 schools and/or mentoring! If you are interested in educational equity and gaining direct-service experience working with K-12 students, then we encourage you to enroll in our courses. While most of our enrollment are undergraduate students, we welcome both undergraduates and interested graduate students.
Our courses are variable credit, count towards the ELS and Leadership minors, and are graded CR/NC.
To get started, consider registering for the below classes on MyPlan:
EDUC 260: Equity Issues in K-12 Education (1 credit)
When: EDUC 260 B Mondays 10:00-11:20 am
EDUC 260 A Mondays 1:00 – 2:20 pm
Modality: In-Person
EDUC 260 is a community-engaged course designed to prepare University of Washington students for a mentoring and tutoring relationship with K-12 students at local partner schools, either in an academic tutor or a post-secondary planning capacity. The course’s purpose is to strengthen student consciousness of self, systems, and community to be applied to practice. *Pre/co-requisite course for EDUC 401. If students have completed sufficient coursework in equity-related topics, we may be able to waive 260 co-req. Please email celecenter@uw.edu with questions.
EDUC 401 A/B: Practicum in Community Service Activity (1-6 credits)
When: A Section BIWEEKLY on Wednesdays, 11:30 am-12:50 pm
B Section BIWEEKLY on Wednesdays, 4:00 pm-5:20 pm
Modality: In-Person
Credit variable: (1-6)
EDUC 401 A and B are CELE community-engaged courses designed to prepare University of Washington students for an academic tutoring or mentoring relationship with K-12 students at local partner K-12 schools. Students will be matched with a volunteer site, or can choose their own site, and will volunteer on a weekly basis. Tutors will build teaching and student support skills through coursework and in-person volunteering. EDUC 401 classes are meant for students to reflect on their direct community engagement experience. If you are already mentoring or tutoring and would like to earn credit for those hours, you should inquire about self-placement! Credit is earned through attendance, assignments, and the completion of required service hours (to be fulfilled through tutoring at schools and professional development sessions).
*Pre/co-requisite: EDUC 260. If students have completed sufficient coursework in equity-related topics, we may be able to waive 260 co-req. Please email celecenter@uw.edu with questions.
You can find out more information on our website, located here. If you have any questions about registration or curriculum, please email celecenter@uw.edu .
Peer Honors Thesis Survey: Perception of Disabilities
My project is to evaluate how students at the UW Seattle campus view people with physical disabilities and whether or not the duration of a physical disability affects how the person with that impairment is treated by their academic peers. This survey contains two authenticated scales developed to quantitatively measure the perception of disabilities.
Fill out the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/apdmiab
NIH sponsored 2025 University of Washington’s Summer Research Experience in Translational Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurological Surgery
Applications for the NIH sponsored Summer Research Experience in Translational Neuroscience, Neurology and Neurological Surgery program is anticipated to open November 1st, 2024!
If you have an interest in the neurosciences and desire lab experience in neurological biomedical research, please apply!
Applicants chosen to participate in the program will receive stipends of $3,200 over the duration of the 8-week program. (Note: high school or recent high school graduates must be 18 years of age or older by the first day of the program in order to participate due to facility age restrictions). Out of area students will have program sponsored housing (as long as they indicate on their application that they require program sponsored housing) but are responsible for their own meals, transportation to/from Seattle, and local transit.
Program participation includes:
- Eight-week lab placement in one of our neuroscience research labs
- Weekly Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds lectures
- Weekly Neurological Surgery Resident Education Hour discussions
- Weekly Neurology clinical conferences
- Weekly neuroscience faculty lectures, specifically developed for the students
- Neurological surgery OR observations (up to 2)
- Neurology/Neurological Surgery clinical observations (up to 2)
- Brain Anatomy Lab session
- Student capstone presentation
To date, 197 rising freshmen and college undergraduate students aged 18 and older from 104 different schools from across the U.S. have participated in the program.
Over 35 students from our earlier classes have now been accepted into medical school and other clinical training programs. Many students just entering college have gone on to neuroscience, pre-med studies, medical school or PhD neuroscience programs..
The application period will close on Wednesday, January 1st, 2025. Application is free.
Please email nsssp@uw.edu with any questions you may have about the application process.
We look forward to reviewing your application!
Free Red Cross CPR/AED, First Aid & Overdose Response Training for UW Students
Get Certified: Free Red Cross CPR/AED, First Aid & Overdose Response Training for UW Students
University of Washington Emergency Medical Services (UWEMS) is offering American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED, First Aid and Naloxone Use training sessions throughout this fall quarter, available for free to any UW-affiliated student, staff, or faculty. Courses are taught by our team of American Red Cross Instructors and Emergency Medical Technicians.
During the sessions, you’ll learn to recognize and respond to common cardiac, respiratory, drug-related, and first-aid emergencies. Upon successful completion, you’ll receive certification and a complimentary naloxone kit to take home!
To sign up, visit our website and complete a registration form on the training calendar. If you have any further questions, please email us at uwems@uw.edu or join our Discord. We look forward to seeing you!
Community Advisory Committee for Law Enforcement Oversight
Do you want to help create a more fair and just policing and public safety system?
The King County Office of Law Enforcement Oversight (OLEO) represents the interests of the public in its efforts to hold the King County Sheriff’s Office accountable for providing fair and just police services. Learn more about OLEO: www.kingcounty.gov/OLEO.
· OLEO is looking for community members who want to serve as advocates for the interests of the diverse communities across King County.
If you are interested in equity, social justice, community organizing, or working collaboratively to improve how the King County Sheriff’s Office operates, then consider joining the Community Advisory Committee for Law Enforcement Oversight (CACLEO).
Examples of what CACLEO members do:
· Learn about how people experience policing by the Sheriff’s Office and advise on priorities for change.
· Work collaboratively with stakeholders to recommend specific ways to improve Sheriff’s Office practices, policies, service, and operations to better address community needs.
· Serve as resources in the community and help ensure community feedback informs OLEO’s work, the Sheriff, and King County Council and.
· Build awareness about ways to address or file complaints of police misconduct.
· Advise on issues of equity and social justice within police practices and support community-led work to fuel positive change in the public safety system.
Who can serve on CACLEO? CACLEO members must live in and reflect the diversity of communities served by the King County Sheriff’s Office.
Current openings and soon to be vacant positions on CACLEO include multiple positions for people living in: · Unincorporated areas of King County, visit this link to find out if you live in an unincorporated areas: https://kingcounty.gov/depts/local-services.aspx · Sheriff’s Office contract service jurisdictions: Carnation, Sammamish, Skykomish, Woodinville, Beaux Arts Village, Covington, Maple Valley, Muckleshoot Tribe, Newcastle, Burien, SeaTac, Kenmore, Shoreline
Application process: Applications are being accepted now, email OLEO@kingcounty.gov to find out more.
What qualifications do you need to serve on CACLEO?
OLEO welcomes people of all backgrounds, our staff will provide orientation, training, and support to ensure those interested can learn how to have an impact and feel prepared to serve.
CACLEO is looking for people who:
· Are committed to King County’s Equity and Social Justice principles.
· Are interested in working collaboratively with other community members, policymakers, elected officials, and members of law enforcement on ways to improve police services.
· Have relevant lived, volunteer, or professional experience.
o If you have experience related to police or the justice system, community organizing or advocacy, human services, community leadership, legal services, public policy, community engagement, systemic change, trauma-informed or restorative practices, or other relevant areas, we want to hear from you.
What’s the commitment?
CACLEO members are appointed to a three-year term and may seek to one additional reappointment. Members spend approximately six to eight hours per month on CACLEO work, including a two-hour monthly meeting (hybrid options available).
Truman Scholarship
The Truman Scholarship supports graduate education and professional development of outstanding young people committed to public service leadership. Apply in your 3rd year of undergrad for this $30,000 scholarship toward grad school. US citizenship is required.
UW Nomination required, apply here: https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/apply/747
UW deadline: Friday, November 15, 2024, at 12 PM Pacific Time (noon)
National deadline: February 4, 2025
Wednesday, Nov 6 | 4-5 p.m. | Zoom: RSVP here
Udall Scholarship
The Udall Scholarship is a $7,000 scholarship for sophomores and juniors who are committed to making a difference in either the environment or Native American/Alaska Native Tribal Policy or Native Healthcare. US citizenship or permanent residency required. Four nominations are available for students committed to environmental careers and four for students interested in Tribal Policy/Native Healthcare.
Udall UW Nomination required, apply here: https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/apply/746
UW deadline: January 15, 2025
Join a Udall specific Info Session: Thursday, November 14 | 3-4 p.m. | MGH 171: RSVP here
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for Young Professionals
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for Young Professionals is a cultural immersion exchange program that includes language study, internships, and homestays in Germany. Open to all majors and career fields, applicants must be between 18.5 – 24 years old. Prior knowledge of German is not required.
- Intensive Language Training: Two months of intensive German language training
- Study Phase: One semester of classes in one’s academic or career field at a university, technical, or professional school
- Internship Phase: Three-to-five-month internship in one’s career field (previous students have worked in a community-based org, a company or even a research institute)
Deadline: November 1, 2024