Week 5 – Spring Announcements
Hi Honors Huskies!
Happy week 5 – I hope you all are enjoying the sunshine! It’s Thursday which means it’s time for our weekly announcements! Check out the many events happening soon and open positions to apply for, linked below.
- An Evening with Neuroscience
- Students! Attend May 3rd Info Session on the Jackson School’s International Studies major
- Poetry & the Brain Alumna Lecture on May 4 @ 1:30, MGH 211
An Evening with Neuroscience
Get excited about neuroscience with the University of Washington! This year’s widely acclaimed annual neuroscience panel event, “An Evening with Neuroscience” hosted by UW Grey Matters Journal, will take place on May 5 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in the Kane 130 auditorium. This event is free, and all ages and skill levels are welcome – we have something for everyone. Llama Fusion will be catering our event, offering a variety of Mexican food options for everyone to enjoy! Come join us for an exhilarating evening featuring fascinating panel discussion, opportunities to interact with state-of-the-art neurotechnology and a real human brain, neuroscience art, delicious food, and lots of prizes! Visit https://greymattersjournal.org/ewn/ for more information and to RSVP.
Neuroscience Research Opportunity – Stella Lab
We are looking for individuals with computational skills, a background in biological sciences, and an eagerness to learn academic research. You should have some experience and/or educational background in either subject area and desire to learn how to use these skills to analyze real biological data sets, build hardware interfaces for behavior/imaging experiments, and who want to learn new biology and neuroscience approaches. We are particularly interested in students planning to pursue post-graduate research or degree programs in neuroscience, biological sciences, or bioengineering.
The primary psychoactive compound found in Cannabis, THC, modifies neuronal signaling in the central and peripheral nervous systems to affect a wide range of behaviors such as locomotion, pain perception, stress, and anxiety. The Stella lab is interested in studying how THC modifies the endocannabinoid system to modulate brain activities and ultimately change animal behaviors.
The lab uses cutting-edge technology and collects real-time neural data with behavioral features using mice as a model system. The project involves using machine-learning-based software to analyze behavior features and align them to neural data collected at the single-cell level. You might also be involved in analyzing large datasets such as machine learning data using Python. The position is for dry lab, but you will have the opportunity to learn wet lab techniques if desired.
Strong neuroscience/biology background is preferred but not required, but you are expected to understand the biological logic behind the dataset. Undergraduate research independence is encouraged, and fellowships will be actively sought out.
Contact Anthony English (aengl97@uw.edu) if interested.
Students! Attend May 3rd Info Session on the Jackson School’s International Studies major
Dear Students,
Are you interested in international studies?!
If so, the Jackson School of International Studies (JSIS) offers majors, minors, and/or courses open for you to take in the field of international studies (and beyond)!
Come find out more about the Jackson School’s Global and Regional Studies major!
Meet faculty, other students, learn more about JSIS resources and enjoy a late lunch or early dinner (pizza will be served).
Day: Wednesday
Date: May 3rd
Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm
Location: THO 317
Topic: The benefits of declaring an open major such as the Jackson School of International Studies’ Global and Regional Studies
Questions: email Sabrina Tatta sabri@uw.edu or Joni Marts jmarts@uw.edu or book an appt here: https://jsis.washington.edu/advise/appointment/
Poetry & the Brain Alumna Lecture on May 4 @ 1:30, MGH 211
Poetry & the Brain Alumna lecture w/ Sati Mookherjee
Thursday, May 4 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm, Mary Gates Hall 211 (Honors Program Suite)
Sati Mookherjee (‘93, English w/College Honors) reads from her recent poetry collections: Eye (2022) and Ways of Being (released May 2!). Mookherjee shares how her unusual journey — from Honors English to medical school to working in government to founding and running a business — informs her writing. The UW community is invited to join her guest lecture*
Meet Mookherjee on May 4, 1:30-3:15 p.m. in Mary Gates 211

THIS EVENT IS FREE, PLEASE click here to RSVP and help us plan refreshments!
Co-hosted by UW Honors and English.
*Dr. Arthur Ginsberg’s Brain and the Healing Power of Poetry introduces students to the role of poetry in dealing with illness and grief as well as where and how poetry activates and transforms the human brain. If you like this event, stay tuned for information about the book of poetry students will release at the end of spring quarter.